Current News Topics

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Dan’s Corner: February

Start with the Business Basics: Did you build a marketing calendar for the year? HAPPY NEW...

Restaurant Revitalization Fund information post

Restaurant Fund Applications Require SAM & DUNS registration

When the Restaurant Revitalization Fund opens on April 8, applicants will be required to...

propel square

PROPEL program connecting UVA students with local businesses who need help

The Central Virginia Small Business Development Center and the University of Virginia...

Business Trainings

January’s Upcoming Events

New year, more great programming from the CVSBDC! Take a look at these upcoming events...

financing your business

Small Business and the Stimulus Package Highlights

DETAILS ARE PENDING BUT HERE IS WHAT WE KNOW NOW. We await guidance from SBA and opening of...

Rebuild VA business funding

Rebuild VA funding increased

Governor Ralph Northam recently announced that he is directing an additional $30 million to...

Lisa Wood2

SBDC Webinar Outlines Federal Government Contracting

Interested in Federal Government Contracting? This new webinar from the Central Virginia...


PPP now has a simpler process for forgiveness of $50K or less

The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury...

Cameron Nelson Business Communications and Technology Advisor Central VA SBDC

SBDC e-Commerce Expert’s Website Webinar Featured

Cameron Nelson, the Central Virginia Small Business Development Center’s e-commerce...