Business Essentials Training (BET)
This program is ideal for both new founders and growing businesses, providing valuable tools and support to help participants develop effective business growth and profitability strategies or successfully launch their ventures. The program spans six weeks, offering the flexibility to attend individual sessions or the entire series. Participants who attend sessions and complete homework are eligible to obtain a certificate of completion.
Starting Your Business
In this workshop, we explore components of entrepreneurship, review the steps for a successful start, conducting your own due diligence for investing your time and money, and the components of sound business planning. This workshop is offered live periodically and is available as an on-demand virtual course.
*This course is not required in order to receive the Business Essentials Certificate
- Thinking about starting a business?
- Have you started…but maybe missed some critical information?
- Exploring how to strengthen your existing business?
- Need to understand the basics of business formation and organization?
April 23: Starting Your Business
Session 1:
Planning and Operating for Success
- Do you have a “living” business plan that supports your vision, operations, works well for you, and that you can share with others?
- Have you explored your business model for blind spots?
- Have you tapped into tools and resources to maximize your profits
In this webinar you will learn several business planning models & operational resources so you can choose the right tool(s) for you. The goal of this first BET session is to choose your business model planning method so you can 1) share your vision with others and 2) build or evaluate your business plan for your company’s health and security.
April 30 Session 1: Planning and Operating for Success
Session 2:
Understanding Your Customers and Market
- Is your business concept the right idea, at the right time for your industry?
- Is your addressable market big enough to generate adequate revenue for a successful business?
- Do you know what your customer cares about and how the customer views your offering?
- Are the features attractive to customers so hundreds (or thousands) will care enough to change current habits?
In this workshop “customer discovery” theory and processes will be covered to help you get feedback on your offering with the goals of 1) finding your product market fit, 2) knowing what your customer cares about, and 3) understanding where your business stacks up in the market. We will talk about industry knowledge, identifying target customers and the lean business model process.
May 7 Session 2: Understanding Your Customers & Market
Session 3:
Pricing, Costs and Launch Preparation
Are you clear on your up front business costs and product / service costs? Have you considered the planning steps to launching a new product or service? Are your costs and profit margins designed to reach industry norms? Is your pricing strategy appropriate to engage and retain customers? Will this business make enough to support you and your family? Have you thought through the pre-launch preparation for your new product or service?
In this workshop we explore the most common pricing models, discuss effective cost of goods sold management and review tools to prepare to launch a new product or service.
May 14 Session 3: Pricing, Costs and Launch Preparation
Session 4:
Marketing, Sales, and Your Brand
Curious about navigating online sales and marketing vs. traditional methods? Do you want to explore how to best launch a new product or service? Could you use help building the value of your brand and how to communicate how your business is better or different?
In this workshop, we talk about your target customers, tools to connect with them and achieve sales, and how your brand identifies with them and your employees. We also discuss tools and strategies to identify market fit, marketing and sales development, as well as planning and execution.
May 21 Session 4: Marketing, Sales, and Your Brand
Session 5:
Money and Recordkeeping
In this interactive webinar we will share sources of capital, establishing credit, and tips for success in record keeping and cash flow management. We help you with tips and tricks in recordkeeping, as well as accounting language, giving you tools to help you sleep at night knowing you are making money, can pay your bills and will be able to access additional capital when you need it.
May 28 Session 5: Money & Recordkeeping
FEE: There is a $15 administrative fee for each session
Scholarships are available – contact
All programs of the Virginia SBDC are open to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance.
Prepare for launch with confidence OR conduct a “Business Health Check” as a foundation for expansion or growth.
Ways to engage:
– Attend in order and complete assignments to earn the Business Essentials Certificate
– Drop in to experience the topics of your choice
Sessions average 90-120 minutes. Email for details or check our CALENDAR.

Business Essentials Training Certificate
You can earn the Business Essentials Certificate by completing the homework and meeting with a SBDC Advisor. The goal is to have a business model developed, or be in a position to secure capital to start or expand your business.