About Culpeper Competes

To inspire economic development and job creation in Culpeper, the Town of Culpeper is proud to present Culpeper Competes in partnership with the Central Virginia Small Business Development Center. Culpeper Competes is designed to encourage and develop an entrepreneurial spirit through business development education and mentorships to guide participants through the process of launching or growing their business. 

Competitors will:

  • Attend eight required business development courses, Wednesday nights 5:00pm-7:00pm ET
  • Develop and submit a detailed business plan for scoring
  • Meet with experienced advisors from Central Virginia Small Business Development Center (CVSBDC)
  • Pitch competition is in person at the Town’s Economic Development Center, 803 S. Main Street, Culpeper, VA, 22701
Culpeper Competes will award up to $30,000 in business investment grants for start-up and existing businesses looking to expand with additional job creation in the Town of Culpeper, Virginia.
Business Essentials Training and Certificate

The Central Virginia SBDC Business Essentials Training (BET) program offers a robust series for new founders and those with growing businesses.  The programming provides for entrepreneurs to launch with confidence or conduct a “Business Health Check” as a foundation for expansion or growth.

Participants can earn the Business Essentials Certificate by attending the training sessions, completing homework, and meeting with a SBDC Advisor. These requirements work in tandem with the program to prepare a winning pitch.

Learn more about the Business Essentials Training program and certificate

Culpeper Competes 2025 Schedule

Click on session title to register.

Application deadline: March 28, 2025

Culpeper Competes Launch: April 16, 5:00-7:00pm (in person)

Starting Your Business: April 23, 5:00-7:00pm

BET 1, Understanding Your Customers and Market: April 30,5:00-7:00pm

BET 2, Pricing, Costs, and Launch Preparation: May 7, 5:00-7:00pm

BET 3, Marketing, Sales, and Your Brand: May 14, 5:00-7:00pm

BET 4, Planning for Success: May 21, 5:00-7:00pm

BET 5, Money and Recordkeeping: May 28, 5:00-7:00pm

Pitch Preparation Workshop: June 4, 5:00-7:00pm

Culpeper Competes Pitch Competition: June 25, 2025 (in person)

Culpeper Competes sessions may be offered as hybrid events:

In person at the Culpeper Economic Development Center, 803 S Main St, Culpeper,  or online via Zoom

How to Participate in Culpeper Competes

Who is eligible to participate?

Existing small businesses or new start-ups located in the Town of Culpeper

To be eligible to pitch for prize money, participants must have a registered business located in the required Town of Culpeper footprint. For additional information, contact Tori Buell, (540) 729 – 4657 or tbuell@culpeperva.gov 

How to apply

The Culpeper Competes application can be found here

How much prize money is available?

The competition will award up to $30,000 in business investment grants for start-up and existing businesses looking to expand with additional job creation in the Town of Culpeper, Virginia.

Questions about Culpeper Competes can be sent to events@cvsbdc.org or 434-295-8198